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Thinking sustainably – acting responsibly

As a family-owned enterprise, we practice sustainability on a daily basis – in our dealings with each other, with our customers and through our multifaceted social engagement.

Schule - klein

Starting at an early age: support and education for children and youth

Our personal future initiative as a family-owned enterprise: support right from the start. Our founder Heinrich Faßbender believed in equal opportunity more than 80 years ago. And we are still dedicated to the goal of enabling people to make the best of their opportunities today. So we start with children – as one might expect of a family-owned enterprise.
  • We deal with conflicts in schools in an effort to promote peace at the local level and improve the school climate.
  • We support mediation and defray the costs of mediation training. School mediation is a procedure used for the purpose of resolving conflicts among students under the guidance of specially trained “conflict pilots.” After completing their training, conflict pilots are there to help younger students settle their disputes.
  • We support the important work of the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (German Foundation for Children and Youth, DKJS), a non-profit educational foundation, in the field of digital education. This kind of engagement ensures that children and youth in Germany have good opportunities to grow and learn.
Teaser Cybermobbing

We pursue a hands-on approach to hate in the Internet


Making the Internet a little more peaceful
Many people are affected by cyberbullying. So we are responding actively with tips for prevention and concrete offers of help. We also want to ensure that personal rights are more effectively protected in the Internet and that victims receive better protection in criminal proceedings. And because these issues are so close to our hearts, we have made cyberbullying the lead theme in our most recent Sustainability Report.

Getting involved in politics
Because we are convinced that the current German Network Enforcement Act (Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, NetzDG) does not provide sufficient protection for personal rights in the Internet, we have developed an alternative bill in cooperation with the University of Passau.

Knowing what we’re talking about
In hopes of making a sustainable contribution to the prevention of cyberbullying, we have provided support for three studies concerned with cyberbullying and its effects.

Sponsoring Tischtennis

active, agile and ambitious


As the leading sports insurer in Europe, we are happy to promote outstanding sports performance with international impact. We are presently focused above all on table tennis. We sponsor talents from all classes, from the young participants in the “Mini-Championships” hosted by the Deutscher Tischtennisbund (German Table Tennis Federation, DTTB) to the record-holding championship team of Borussia Düsseldorf in our home city to world star Timo Boll.

Borussia Düsseldorf boasts a brilliant success record, and we proudly celebrate every victory – made in Düsseldorf. And we have been a proud sponsor since 2001.


schools are participating in the bildung.digital program


school mediators have been trained within the framework of our initiative


percent is what we’re giving in the fight against hate in the Internet


Our family-friendly personnel policy

Sustainability has many different facets at ARAG. It plays a key role in our family-friendly personnel policy – and has top priority for us as a family-owned enterprise. Other key points are equal opportunity, diversity and flexibility. We recognize a special responsibility to offer our employees the best possible conditions for achieving a healthy balance between work and family life.

We offer

  • child-care services
  • flexible work schedules, incl. home-office options
  • nursing care for family members

Through our active diversity management program, we systematically promote equal opportunity, for as a living business enterprise, we aim to offer all employees the same opportunities for professional advancement.


For an in-depth look: our Sustainability Reports


Sustainability Report 2022


Sustainability Report 2021


Sustainability Report 2020

Made for today: Founded in 1935, Heinrich Faßbender's founding idea is more relevant than ever: 85 years of ARAG.


Sustainability Report 2019

ARAG is transforming itself into a Smart Insurer. We are using the opportunities offered by digitalization to offer our customers modern services: innovative, fast and at the cutting edge.